Wednesday, 15 July 2015

Create C Programs Using Fundamental Stages

Create c Programs Using Fundamental Stages are 4 (Four) Types.

  1. Editing.
  2. Compiling.
  3. Linking.
  4. Executing.
Now , Below Explain The Each Topic


Editing is the process of creating and modifying C Source code. In Fact, an editor often provides a complete environment for Writing, Managing,Developing and testing your Programs.This is Some Times called as IDE ( Integrated Development Environment ). The Editor Using General Purpose Text Editor To Create Your Source Files.


The Compiler converts your Source Code into Machine Language and detects and reports in the compilation process. The input to this stage is the file you produce during your editing, which is usually referred to as a source file.


The Linker Combines the object modules generated by the compiler from source code files ,adds required code modules from the standard library supplied as part of c, and welds everything into an executable whole. The Linker also detect the errors.


The Execution stage is where our run the program, having completed all the previous process successfully. But, Some Times  This stage can also generate a wide variety of error conditions. That can include producing the wrong output. We Can Use also Run  windows .exe file for Executing Output Display.

The Above Section is  Explain The Some Instructions For C Program Compile And Execution Statements.

Sample Program

int main()
printf("Welcome Alltechprograms !!");
return 0;


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